HOA and Commercial Pavers

Create a beautiful and lively outdoor living space with high-quality pavers. Transform your patio, walkway, courtyard, and pool deck with quality paving stones that feature colorful hues, rich textures, and durable compositions. Commercial Pavers increase aesthetics and create warmth and character to the overall architectural structures.

Commercial Pavers, Add Outdoor Living Areas, GreenR Pavers Riverside

HOA and Commercial Pavers

Commercial pavers enhance the overall look of any office park, complex, or retail center. HOA paver installations significantly strengthen the appearance and improve the value of homes within the community. Green-R Pavers proudly offers paver installations for commercial and HOA applications in Southern California. Paver projects include entryways, pool decks, common areas, walkways, patios, and outdoor eating areas within the community.

Commercial Paver Services

More than ever before, commercial concerns are turning to paver solutions rather than traditional concrete or asphalt installations. Pavers offer a far more aesthetically pleasing choice for commercial projects than other options, and their durability and low-cost maintenance are more economical over the long term.

Are you deciding between interlocking concrete pavers and other materials like poured concrete, asphalt, or gravel for your new driveway, courtyard, or pool deck? Interlocking concrete pavers offer many benefits and advantages over other hardscaping materials.

Benefits of Commercial Pavers
The versatility of Interlocking Pavers

The versatility of interlocking concrete pavers offers a significant advantage over other materials for commercial applications. Interlocking pavers are an aesthetically attractive choice for many paver installations. Because of this versatility, business owners can use interlocking concrete pavers to create a wide range of hardscape installations, including paver pool decks, paved courtyards or restaurant patios, fire pits, etc.

Concrete Paver Design Flexibility

Materials like concrete, asphalt, or gravel can not match the design flexibility of concrete paver stones. The countless combinations of patterns, styles, and colors of interlocking concrete pavers are unmatched by other hardscape materials when it comes to visual appeal.

We can create a unique concrete paver installation to enhance and compliment your business with all the design options available.

Low Maintenance and Easy to Repair

Pavers are built with robust and durable material, requiring minimal maintenance. If a repair is needed, pavers can be easily removed, repaired, and replaced.

Environmentally Friendly:

HOA and commercial paver installations allow water and runoff to permeate the subgrade or soil. That is a tremendous advantage over concrete or asphalt, which doesn’t allow permeation into the ground.

The durability of Interlocking Concrete Pavers

Durability is another benefit and advantage of interlocking concrete pavers over stamped concrete, asphalt, and other construction materials. Paver installations are less vulnerable to damage. Pavers are modular products designed to flex under stress giving pavers superior durability.

Cost Benefits of Concrete Pavers

It is hard to argue against interlocking concrete pavers when it comes to cost. Because they are manufactured, pavers are less costly than poured concrete and asphalt. Concrete pavers cost even less – and are more durable – than comparable pavers made of clay, granite, or sandstone. And when you consider maintenance, repair, and replacement costs, interlocking concrete pavers have a lower-lifetime cost and deliver more value for your money than other alternatives.

Driveway Pavers, Walkways and Patios, Green-R Pavers, Riverside
Commercial Pavers, Add Outdoor Living Areas, GreenR Pavers Riverside
Artificial Grass Landscapes, Green-R Pavers & Turf, Riverside, CA

Our design/ process ensures an efficient experience from conception and design through installation to walk-through. Our goal is to create seamless transitions between the interior and exterior of your working space, complement your existing architectural design, and blend a beautiful outdoor environment that complements your exterior characteristics and other natural elements.

Commercial Pavers, Add Outdoor Living Areas, GreenR Pavers Riverside

Transform an ordinary outdoor space into an extraordinary open-air business or HOA courtyard, restaurant patio, or other outdoor areas. Create an inviting, elegant setting that’s ideal for your employees, residents, and patrons to enjoy and blend harmoniously with your natural surroundings. Commercial pavers are an excellent choice for all landscape aspects.

Pavers for High Traffic Areas:

Interlocking concrete pavers bring sophistication, charm, and craftsmanship to city sidewalks and common areas, shopping plazas, parks, stadiums, commercial buildings, and other pedestrian traffic areas. Our design and installation process of permeable interlocking pavers effectively handle stormwater and meet environmental ordinances in Southern California.

Custom Colors and Imprints

Customized pavers come in a wide range of colors, materials, textures, and finishes – for enhanced beauty, including colored glass and conch shells. Make your project more prominent with specialty materials and special colored additives that can be added to any standard paver.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Artificial Grass is becoming more popular each year: Whether you want a backyard putting green, dog run, or a garden oasis with little maintenance.  Synthetic grass offers an attractive solution with hardscape elements such as pavers, concrete, and decking. The possibilities are endless for patios, walkways, driveways, and pool areas.

Artificial Grass Landscapes • Putting Greens • Playgrounds • Sports • Dogs & Pets.
Pavers for Patios, Driveways, Pool Deck & More Green-R Pavers Riverside
Athletic Fields

Artificial Sports fields can take a lot of damage. As athletes are giving it their all while trying to win a big game or practicing to improve their skills, the field they play on should be just as challenging as they are to keep up with their play level. Synthetic grass provides many benefits to indoor and outdoor sports fields and allows athletes to honestly give it their all without worrying about what they may be doing to the area they play in every day.

Benefits of Sports Turf

  • It lasts 3x as long per year as natural grass
  • All-Weather Utility
  • Works Great as a Multi-Purpose Field
  • Cost-Effective Maintenance and a Great alternate for natural grass

Call us today at (866) 686-3348.

Green-R Turf Artificial Grass – 11741 Sterling Ave E1, Riverside, CA 92503

*Certified installation provided by Green-R Turf; CSLB #1013745 – C27 C61/D12: We are proud to serve the areas of Southern California from Santa Barbara to San Diego and the following Cities.

Get A Quote Today

We provide Top-Quality Artificial Grass, Pavers & Concrete Services, Installations, and Customer Service in Southern California.   We look forward to showing you the many design options available for your residential and commercial landscape applications.

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